1. A one sentence statement of my gap

                      BOOKCASE - MODULE LADDER
                      Access to higher shelves a bookcase , without carrying a ladder around the house.
2. My visual expression of the design
3. A photograph of your prototype

  • Find a way to organize, protect and clean easily the books on a shelf
  • How to read in bed without tired hands.
  • A system to place used clothing (jackets, shirts, etc) piled on the chair in our room.
  • Making night stand is always organized, there is space to keep things.
  • Organize electrical cables
  • How to carry your keys, wallet, phone, etc., without having to carry a purse or briefcase.
  • Access to higher shelves a bookcase , without carrying a ladder around the house.
  • Something that serves as a blanket for the sofa and as a cushion when not in use, maintaining picked up the sofa.
  • A backpack that fits to transport a variety of things, and not have several different backpacks.
  • How to pick up small objects lost in inaccessible areas (such as under furniture).

I am very fond of reading and I have a good collection of books. Bookcases need to save all my books. I find it very difficult to access high shelves, for cleaning or keeping the books. Many of my friends and family are also readers and have the same problem.
I think I can address a solution to this problem, using scale models, for the time available.

I find it very clever and simple this case for the tablet, compared to other cases that are on the market. Aside from protecting the tablet, it can be transported safely, keep it clean and serves as a support to tilt the tablet at different angles.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    Mayo 2013

